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EPIC Pulling Series General Rules


EPIC Pulling Series owners and officials will make all rules for each class, as well as general rules.

  1. Any contestant pulling in an EPIC Pulling Series Pull must be a member and have a valid drivers’ license.

  2. Fees are $500.00 per truck with 1 driver. Each additional driver is $125.00

  3. To qualify for points, full membership must be paid before or at first event.

  4. There is a $50.00 per hook for every event.

  5. Per event pullers will be charged $80.00 per hook for every event attended.

  6. There will be a $25.00 charge to anyone not signed up at least 1 hours before start of pull, unless you contact Epic Official.

NO entries will be accepted for a class after the hook is dropped in first truck, official or unofficial.

  7. Speed limit off track (pit, staging lane, entrance and exit) is 5mph.

  8. One driver allowed in vehicle while pulling

  9. Before each pull, all drivers will be expected to attend drivers meeting. Questions and complaints will be heard

      at this time

10. EPIC reserves the right to reweigh vehicles at the end of pull.



General Rules: For Members and Non-Members:

  1. Any contestant under 18 must have written consent from parent or guardian and prior approval from EPIC Pulling Series. Minimum age for competition is 16 years old with a valid driving license.

  2. Contestants may not be allowed to participate for emotional or physical reasons. (i.e. including drinking or illness, etc.)

  3.  Only driver will be allowed in vehicle when it is being towed or driven. No riders on tow tractors or track equipment will be permitted.

  4. Driver must be in driver’s seat while engine is running.

  5. Vehicle must be in neutral or park while hooking to or unhooking from sled. Driver is recommended to raise hands while hooking or unhooking from sled.

  6. Any driver or crew member found under the influence of drugs or using intoxicating agents in the track area will be disqualified. Area is defined as 30 feet within the track.

  7. No videotaping is allowed closer than 30 feet from track or unless directed by head track official.

  8. The first puller in the class will have the option of test puller. The test puller may accept their distance, come immediately back, drop five positions, or last. Track official must be informed of decision before leaving the track.

  9. For mechanical reasons only, a puller may drop to last position in the class. This is allowed by track judge’s discretion. Safety equipment does not qualify for a mechanical problem.

  10. Once track is ready and competition director signals competitor to the track, competitor will have four (4) minutes to make a measurable distance under green flag conditions. Puller receives two attempts to move the sled. If on first attempt, driver lifts off the throttle before 100’ the puller will return to the start line and receive their second and final attempt. 

  11. Puller may spot the sled anywhere in bounds and behind starting line if they wish. This must be done while sled is coming back to the starting line from the previous pull. Only one sled spotting is allowed.

  12. All pulls will start with a tight chain. No jerking of sled is permitted. Excessive jerking of the sled will result in disqualification.

  13. Excessive loss of liquid will result in disqualification if vehicle is under the green flag. Excessive is defined as any steady or intermittent stream equal to a spot on the track of ten (10) inches in diameter. Major mechanical breakage will not result in disqualification.

  14. Pulling will be considered over when forward motion stops. Puller must stop immediately when flagged or be disqualified.

  15. Any re-pull caused by contest malfunction, the puller may drop five (5) positions or drop to the end of the class. Puller may not move any weight or competitor will be disqualified.

  16. All pulls will be measured by laser, GPS, or measured to the nearest inch by hand. In the event of a tie, for first place only a Pull Off will incur at the conclusion of the class.

  17. When possible, all contestants must drive off and on the track. Tow starting will be done at last resort and under track judge’s discretion.

  18. All pulling vehicles must pass a tech inspection and meet all safety requirements before they can pull at any event. The EPIC Pulling Series has the right to inspect any vehicle at any time. Refusal will result in disqualification.

  19. No competitor may compete in a class, once the class has started, if arriving late.

  20. Any truck making a full pull must have the same driver in an event of a pull off. Driver will only have one attempt during pull off to move sled.

  21. While vehicle is at scales weighing, only one crew person allowed in scale-masters area.

  22. Judges’ decisions are final. There is no appeal process. Disagreement will result in disqualification.


  1. Out of bounds, this is described as any part of the pulling vehicle touching the white boundary line.

  2. Loss of weight under green flag.

  3. Loss or failure of safety equipment or equipment belonging to vehicle under the green flag. 

  4. Loss of excessive liquid

  5. Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Any competitor or crew member displaying unsportsmanlike conduct at any EPIC Pulling Series sanctioned events whether verbal or physical will be reason for that team’s loss of points and purse for the event where the actions take place. Any second offence after official notification in writing by EPIC Pulling Series will be cause for the competitor and team suspension for a up to one year and ten days from date of infraction.

  6. Illegal equipment.

  7. Leaving the starting line under red flag.

  8. Excessive argument with track official.

  9. Deliberate delay on event.

  10. Attacking of official.

  11. Intoxication of driver.



The following is the EPIC Pulling Series point systems:

45-point system:

1st - 45pt                 6th - 30pt

2nd - 42pt                7th - 27pt

3rd - 39pt                 8th - 24pt

4th - 36pt                 9th - 21pt                

5th - 33pt               10th - 18pt              


  1. All remaining competitors will receive 15 points, respectively, if a measurable distance has been made under green flag conditions. If competitor does not make a measurable distance, competitor will receive 10 points.

  2. Disqualifications will receive last place points and no money in their class.

  3. Eligibility for any points at any event depends on competitor paying entry fee and passing tech inspection. It is competitor’s responsibility to have a tech official inspect their vehicle.

  4. If a truck breaks before hooking, it will receive 10 points. If a truck hooks to the sled and attempts to move, but breaks, it will receive last place points and last place monies.

  5. If at the end of the season, points’ races result in a tie, the highest amount of first place finishes will determine an overall points winner. If a tie occurs, the next place position (2nd, 3rd, and so on) will be calculated until a winner is determined.



1. All protests must be made in writing and submitted and signed within five (5) minutes of class being protested completion. Protest must clearly define three items: Who is protested, what they are protested for (limited to one item per protest), and by who is protesting.

 2. All protest fees will be in cash. A) If protested vehicle is found legal, then fee will be forfeited to person found legal. B) If vehicle is illegal, then vehicle is disqualified with a loss of purse & points and fee is returned to protester.

3. Fee for protest are as follows: Visual, Turbo, performance enhancements, etc. $500

     Full tear down for cubic inch is $1500.00. Vehicle will have to be provided to EPIC tech official at a designated facility Within 24 hours of protest and will have paint sill till then.                                                                                                                                           

4. Any competitor knowingly competing with a performance enhancing equipment verified by a Head Tech Official or refuses inspection at event will be disqualified for a period of 375 days and including actions discovered by protests, at all EPIC Pulling Series events nationwide. Suspensions will include driver and vehicle.

5. The officials and the protested are the only people allowed near the vehicle during protest. Anyone causing disruption during a protest will be disqualified.

6. The EPIC Pulling Series reserves the right to suspend a competitor for any rules violation and will receive written notice in five working days.

7. Judges decisions during the event are final.


  1.  In a pull-off, a floating finish line will be used for all competitors.


  1.  Any class not completed for any reason will be considered a rain out.

  2. A session of pulling will be official if 1/2 of the advertised classes are completed.

  3.  If purse is not paid to canceled class, entry fee will be refunded.

  4. Promoter and EPIC Pulling Series will determine if a class or session is a rain out.





A. Automatic Transmissions:

1. The use of torque converters, automatic shifts, etc. will be permitted.


2. All vehicles using an automatic transmission must have an SFI Spec. 29.1 automatic transmission flex plate. No cast iron is permitted.


3. All vehicles using an automatic transmission will use a positive gear lockout.


4. All automatic transmissions must have an approved safety blanket over the torque converter area. A full-length

    safety blanket is required. Automatic transmission shield or 12 tractor blanket must meet SFI Spec. 4.1.


B. Brakes:

1.  All pulling vehicles will have adequate stopping brakes that are able to stop and hold vehicle in place.


C. Clutch/Bell Housing/Gearbox:

1. No cast iron clutches or fly wheels permitted.


2. All engines using a clutch will use a 1/4” inch, one-piece SFI 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 containment bell housing


3.  One cooling hole will be allowed in the bell housing, one (1) inch maximum diameter. Hole must not be in 

     explosion area of bell housing.


4. No welding will be allowed in the explosion area of the bell housing.


5. All inspection maintenance holes must be no wider than 8 1/2” inches and the ends of the holes shall be 

     smoothly and fully radiused to produce and oval shape.


6.  Billet steel, aluminum, SFI 1.1 or SFI 1.2 flywheels will be accepted.


7. EPIC Pulling Series reserves the right to spot check any clutch components at any time.

D. Driveline Shielding:

1.  Loops on all driveline must be round.


2. All U-joints must be shielded 360º with 3/8 thick aluminum or 5/16 thick steel. Shield will be six (6) inches long

    minimum and centered on u-joint. Inside diameter of shield will be no more than two (2) inches larger than u-

    joint. If aluminum is used on u-joint shield, and 1/8 insert will be put inside of shield at u-joint area six (6) inches



3. All vehicles with planetary rear ends will have the drive line totally enclosed with 5/16” steel or 3/8” aluminum. 

    The inside diameter will not be larger than two (2) inches larger than the largest universal joint. No more than

    1/4” of driveline will be visible. Bolts holding shield together will be 3/8” grade or better, bolted every two (2)

    inches or closer.


4. All other vehicles not using planetary rear ends will have loops 360º around driveline two (2) inches away from

    driveline, made of 3/8” aluminum or 5/16” steel, and spaced every 36 inches.


5. Maximum length of driveline on a modified tractor is 48 inches.


6. 4X4 trucks will have three (3) loops per shaft, evenly spaced on driveline, 3/8” aluminum or 5/16” steel

    thickness, two (2) inch maximum away from driveline.


7. All intermediate shafts between transmission and transfer case will be totally enclosed in 3/8 aluminum or 5/16”

    steel, 1/4” of shaft may be visible.


8. The following rule will apply to all divisions that use solid driveline shields over 16 inches in length: Tether to be

    constructed of a minimum of 2” wide by 1/8” thick nylon or polyester strap. One end of tether must attach to

    one side of the chassis, then go around the driveline shield, then attach to opposite of the chassis. Tether must

    be attached to chassis by a minimum of one 3/8” grade 5 bolt with a grommet on each side or wrap around the

    chassis and use a buckle to fasten it to itself. All driveline shield components must be tethered on each 18” end

    by two opposing restraints. Tethers must attach at 180 degrees of each other and a minimum of 3” and a

    maximum of 6” from each end of each driveline shield component.


9. Tether to be constructed of a minimum of 5/16” steel chain or 2” wide nylon thick strap. One end of tether must

    attach to driveline shield by a minimum of one 3/8 grade 5 bolt attached to a tab. (minimum of 2” wide) to be

    welded to shield while other end of tether must be attached to chassis by a minimum of one 3/8 grade 5 bold.

    Buckles and cinch are permitted for attachment. Holes through straps must have grommet. Note: Modifieds can

    tether back to chassis where applicable. Note: applies to Mini Rod division and the intermediate shaft on FWD.

    Note: FWD drivelines that use driveshaft hoops must use same tether configuration to be attached to main or

    common hoop holder between chassis and hoop assembly.

E. Engines

1. Shielding on v or y type engines must be from the base of the head to two (2) inches below the crankshaft throw.

    Frame may be used as all or part of the shield provided it is solid and covers the required area.


2. Shielding on in-line engines will run from hood to two (2) inches below crankshaft throw. Shield must be

    complete, no holes accepted. Shielding must extend complete length of block and be securely fastened.


3. All engines will have a deflection shield, running the complete length of the block casting. Shield must be

    securely fastened and must be .060 inch thick. Starters, exhausts, fuel pumps, etc., will not be considered as part

    of the shield.


4. All side shields must be solid. Shielding will be made of a total of .125 aluminum or .090 steel minimum of inch

    thick. 19


5. Engine fans must be completely shrouded with steel 1/16” or thicker. Electric fans excluded.


6. All automotive engines equipped with a harmonic balancer must have balancer that is SFI Spec 18.1 and carry

    SFI identification.

7. All supercharger drive components will be shielded on top and sides with .060” steel or 1/8” aluminum. Side is

    defined as to the centerline of bottom pulley. Shield should be wider than drive components.


8. All vehicles using an automotive type supercharger will use aluminum blower studs, SEMA specs 6061 T-6 to

    secure blower to intake manifold. Blower straps meeting SFI Spec 14.1 or high quality nylon braided straps are

    required at all events.


9. Carbureted, or injected, marine or aircraft engines using a centrifugal super charger must be shielded as follows:

          a. Shielding will be the same on both sides of the supercharger.

          b. The shield will start at the same at the centerline and extend four (4) inches rearward and four (4) inches


          c. Notching will be allowed only to fit around necessary components.

          d. On the front edge of the shield there will be a rolled lip, extending inward one inch and at a 90º angle.

          e. Shield will be constructed of 1/4” thick steel and be bolted every two (2) inches or closer with 3/8” grade

              5 or better bolts.

          f. Shield to start at bottom of housing and go over top and down the other side.

          g. Superchargers, as specified in rules above, may use a safety blanket with the following properties: 22 ply

              ballistic nylon or 18 ply Kevlar.

        10. All diesel engines will have a manual three-way dump 20 valve installed ahead of the injection pump, to be

              operated from dash panel.

        11. All diesel engines; truck or tractor permitted maximum deck plate of one inch.

        12. Any tractor sheet metal consisting of nonferrous material must have additional shielding inside of hood

              area. No open vents or louvers in hood area without a minimum of .125 steel or aluminum in turbocharger


        13. All turbocharged engines will have one cable totally surrounding the engine block and head. The cable will

              consist of 3/8” diameter and located between the first and second cylinders. Cable must pass through the

              manifold areas. Cable will have four (4) to six (6) inches of slack. There will be a minimum of four (4) clamps

              at all splices.


F. Exhaust

1. All vehicles must have exhaust discharging vertically within ten (10) degrees of plumb. Height to be a minimum

    of 8 inches above the bend in pipe which discharges vertically.


2. No megaphone pipes allowed.


3. Venturi-style headers permitted.


4. No rain caps permitted.

G. Fenders & Seats

1. All tractors must have some type of barrier between driver and tire. Barrier must be capable of supporting

    weight of driver.


2. All vehicles must have a strong and rigid seat.


3. Fender must be constructed so that when driver is secured in the competition position, no part of driver’s body

    can touch the tires.

H. Fuels & Fluids

1. Acceptable fuels are gasoline, diesel/biofuel, alcohol, and methanol. No fuels in pressurized containers. No

    oxygen carriers or combustion accelerators permitted.


2. No oxygen carriers or combustion accelerators allowed in water injection. Only water soluble oil permitted in

    water injection.

3. No nitrous oxide, nitro methane, or propylene oxide. No ether bottles (starting aids) allowed on board while



4. Top lube is allowed, but no nitro based top lube will be accepted.


5. Intercoolers will be permitted to carry only water and ice.


6. Competitors will report to the scales full of fuel/water/ice etc.


7. All diesel tractors & trucks will have a fuel sampling valve.


8. All diesel powered competition vehicles will have a water injection sampling valve, if no valve exists, the tank line

    will be unfastened to produce a sample.


9. All fluids are subject to diagnostic screening which includes but not limited to, specific gravity, mass

    spectrometer, oxygen concentration, and burn test(s).


10. Diesel fuel standards for EPIC dielectric constant test are greater than 30 and less than 150 L-

I. Ignition/Dataloggers

1. Electronic fuel injection is prohibited except diesel truck classes (2.6/3.0/DieselSS4X4).


2. Electronic timing delay devices or programmable ignition boxes prohibited (LTSS/MOD/2WD) M-

J. Tires

See class rules

K. Turbochargers

1. All turbochargers mounted outside normal engine shielding will be shielded in .060” steel. All intercoolers

    mounted outside of normal engine shielding will be .060 aluminum.


2. All tractor turbocharged tractor engines: In vertical portion of exhaust: 2- 3/8 Grade 5 (minimum) bolts, installed

    90° to each other within one inch. In horizontal portion of exhaust: 2- 5/16 Grade 5 bolts, installed 90° to each

    other within one inch of each other and within 4 inches from exhaust housing flange.


3. All truck turbocharged engines should have; 2- 5/16 Grade 5 bolts, installed 90° to each other within one inch of

    each other and within 4 inches from exhaust housing flange.


4. Any single turbo (Larger than 3.0” in diameter) must have a minimum of 1/8” cable wrapped around turbo. Cable

    must wrap two revolutions around turbo, clamped by a minimum of two clamps at splice. or metal collars around

    intake with attaching 1/8” cables to exhaust housing, or Kevlar lined turbo blanket covering the intake housing. 


5. Titanium turbocharger components prohibited.

L. Safety Switches

1. All vehicles will be required to use a kill switch.


2. Kill switch will be securely mounted solid ring to the back of the vehicle and have a two (2) inch diameter ring to

    attach the sled. 23


3. A tie strap will be used during tech to show vehicles have been teched. A 1/4” hole will be used to securely hold

    tie strap just above the kill switch. Only if tie strap is broken, decided by head track official, will competitor be

    given opportunity to pull again.


4. A white safety light is required to indicate that competition vehicle is in neutral during process of hooking or

    unhooking from sled. An additional reverse light, is highly recommended, amber in color will illuminate when

    vehicle is in reverse.


5. Kill switches on diesel motors will have the following:

          5A. Air shut off must be operated from driver’ seat.

          5B. Air shut off will consist of cap or guillotine that closes off air into the engine. The cap or guillotine will be

                spring loaded. Butterfly systems not permitted.

M. Stabilizer Bars

1. Stabilizer bars should be rigid in all directions and must support the weight of the vehicle for the heaviest class it

    will compete in.


2. Stabilizer pads must not be more than ten (10) inches off the ground.


3. The stabilizer pad should be parallel to the ground and must be a minimum of five (5) inches square, with a

    minimum of 20” allowed from the outside of one pad to the other.


4. Stabilizer bars may be in no way connected to drawbar assembly.


5. Stabilizer bars must have a brace that extends vertically twelve (12) inches from the rear most tip of the skid

    pads. There must be a support brace extending inward to frame axle or top of stabilizer bar arms. Vertical race

    should extend rearward a minimum of two (2) inches from radius of rear tire.


6.No cross bars between stabilizer bars behind the point of the drawbar hook. 24


7. Stabilizer bars are required on all classes, except for 4X4 trucks.


N. Weight

1. No loose ballast inside the vehicle will be permitted.


2. No vehicle weighing more than class will be permitted.


3. Any weight loss while hooked to the sled and under the green flag will result in disqualification. Any weight

    touching the ground, although may be attached to the pulling vehicle, the pull will be disqualified. Internal

    breakage is an exception.


4. Weights must not interfere with the kill switch, drawbar, or chain. An area of 5” wide and 12” high immediately

    above the drawbar must be free of obstructions.

O. Clothing:

1. Fire suits required in all classes. Minimum of SFI 3.2. In flip top body vehicles without a fire wall or working doors

    the driver will be required to wear an SFI 3.2A-5. Fire proof gloves, head sock, and shoes must be SFI 3.3. All

    helmets must be SNELL 2010 Min or SFI spec 31.1,31.2,41.1, or 41.2. Face shields must be wore down during

    competition. Neck colors are required.


Vehicle General Rules:

1. All pulling vehicles are required to have a minimum of 2.5 lb. fire extinguishers which are fully charged.

    Extinguishers must be within reach of driver.


2. Seatbelts must require 16.1 SFI Spec on all driver restraint assemblies and be worn during competition.


3. All vehicles will have a safety switch. The safety switch will ground the ignition and the electric fuel pumps on

    spark ignition motors and shut off the air intake to diesel motors.


4. No batteries are allowed inside cab of the vehicle unless they are in a marine battery box and secured to the

    vehicle frame. Shielding is required for battery posts that are exposed.


5. All pulling vehicles will have a dead man throttle that will automatically return to the closed position. Throttles

    will work in a reverse to forward motion, reverse being closed.


6. All pulling vehicles must have a starter interrupter switch that will allow starter engagement only in neutral or

    park position on a transmission gear selector for mechanical reasons during the season. 25


7. All vehicles using a foot throttle must use a toe strap.


8. All vehicles using an automatic transmission must have a positive gear lockout.


9. Drivers or crewpersons must be seated and in control of the pulling vehicle any time motor is started or running.


10. All pulling vehicles must have a neutral safety light.

          A) A white light automotive quality, a minimum of 2 inches in diameter, must be mounted within 30 inches of

               hooking point. And within 6 inches of center line.

           B) A light in the driver’s compartment must be operated off the same system.

           C) Both lights and the starter interrupter switch will be operated off of the shifter lever.

           D) A neutral light should illuminate when vehicle is in the neutral position. Lens color should be clear.


11. EPIC Pulling Series reserves the right to refuse any competitor the right to attend or participate at any event.

Limited Pro Diesel 4X4 Truck

1. Maximum weight 8000lbs.


2. The OEM chassis is mandatory. The vehicle must retain a full ¾ or 1-ton size chassis. Wheel tubs, back-half

    conversions, tube chassis prohibited. Maximum wheelbase 158” and 102” maximum width. (outside tire to

    outside tire). Rigid suspension allowed. Hydraulic steering permitted. (Intent= no Isuzu or compact diesel chassis)


3. The body must be OEM truck body. Beds must be covered. No flatbeds permitted. The body must retain full

    metal, aftermarket steel hoods are permitted. Hood and doors must be closed and securely latched while

    hooked to the sled.


4. Maximum engine size will be 460 cubic inch. Engines must come from factory in one ton or smaller diesel pickup

    truck. Engine must remain in stock location as intended by manufacturer. Engines may be interchanged between



5. No aftermarket blocks permitted b. Head must be OEM or OEM one piece cast replica for that brand engine. No

    billet heads of any material. Outside dimensions of cylinder head must measure factory width and length. Head

    must retain OEM valve angle.


6. Front of engine block can be no farther forward than 17” of center line of front axle.


7. Engine must have cable surrounding block and head. Cable must be minimum 3/8” diameter located between

    cylinders #1 and #2. Cable must pass thru manifolds. Cable will have 4-6” of slack with a minimum of 4 cable

    clamps at splice.


8. All engines will have a deflection shield, running the complete length of the block casting. Shield must be

    securely fastened and must be .060” thick. (This equates to a steel inner fender)


9. Hook point must be no closer than 44” of center line of rear axle, hitch height maximum of 26”, with a minimum

    of a 3.75” X 3.0” opening. Hitch point must be easily accessed. No “trick” type hitches permitted. Hitch must be

    stationary in all directions. Hitch must be frame mounted. Hitch must be mounted center line of rear axle or

    behind. Hitch must not exceed a maximum of 25° angle from pivot point to hook point. Drawbar height

    adjustment link if attached to rear differential housing the attaching point must be at axle centerline or below.

    The drawbar adjusters cannot attach to anything above centerline of the rear axle. The adjusters must go down
    from drawbar. The adjusters can only go straight downward vertically or towards rear differential housing. No

    slotting of holes for adjuster attachment. No hitch supports or adjusters fastened to the rear axle housing shall

    be above the centerline of the rear axle. Pivot pin of drawbar can be no farther forward than center line of the

    rear axle. ¼ wall thick tubing material minimum thickness required for hitch assembly. Minimum of 1” material

    around pivot pin location of drawbar (circumference). Pivot Pin at intersection of connection to hitch assembly

    requires ½” total thickness minimum (width)


10. Secondary hitch required. Minimum of 3/8” steel, located 12” below primary hitch on the same vertical plane.

      (You should be able to look directly through both at the same  time – they need to be lined up.)

11. The turbocharger is smooth faced intake housing, limited to a maximum of 3.0” inlet, (no map ring) with all air

      entering through the 3.0” opening. Intake wheel must protrude 1/8th inch inside of opening.


12. Exhaust must exit straight up, with (2) 3/8” bolts mounted in a cross pattern no more than 1” apart as close to

      the turbine wheel as possible, no more than 6” away from turbine wheel.


13. Intercoolers allowed. Dumping or draining intercoolers without a catch pan within 100 feet of competition track

      is prohibited.


14. Water injection is prohibited. All components must be removed from the truck.


15. Air shut off must have a cable that goes to the rear of truck operated by the sled operator and also one to the

      cab of the truck. Kill switch will be securely mounted to the back of the vehicle and have a two (2) inch

      diameter metallic ring to attach the sled.


16. Fuel Systems: Maximum of one P7100 pump (2 5/8”W x 9 9/16”L x 8 3/16”H main pump body), limited to one

      plunger per cylinder. The use of multiple high pressure common rail fuel pumps is allowed. Ford Power Stroke

      engine may utilize a second HPOP. Electronic fuel injection is permitted.


     A 3-way dump valve mounted before the injection pump is mandatory which can be operated by the driver

     while strapped in the seat.


17. No fuel lines or tanks permitted inside of truck cab.


18. Fuel limited to diesel fuel and biodiesel only. No alcohol, nitrous, propane or any oxygen enhancing agents



19. Must run DOT approved tire. Maximum tire height 35”, no studded tires or chains. No alteration to DOT tires

      allowed. Dual rear wheels are permitted on rear axle only. Maximum of 6 tires. 


20. Front weights must be no more than 60” from the center line of the front axle to forward most point and be

      securely fastened. No weights are allowed in cab of the truck. If weights are located in the bed of truck they

      are to be securely fastened to the bed of the truck.


21. Drive train will consist of the following: Any front axle, any transfer case and any rear axle. No planetaries



22. Axle shields are required. Shield to be .060” thickness steel or aluminum. Shield not to be mounted to axle

      ends or hub bolts. A hole may be cut in one to allow locking in of hubs.


23. No cast iron clutches or flywheels permitted, must be SFI approved. Trucks with automatic transmissions, refer

      to General Rules.


24. SFI bellhousing blankets and/or SFI blow proof bellhousing required.


25. All U-joints must be shielded 360 degrees with 3/8” thick aluminum w/1/8” steel liner or 5/16” thick steel.

      Shield will be 6 inches long minimum and centered on u-joint. Inside diameter of shield will be no more than 2

      inches larger than u-joint.


26. All intermediate shafts between the transmission and transfer case will be totally enclosed in 3/8” aluminum or

      5/16” steel, ¼” of shaft may be visible.


27. Fire extinguisher (2.5#) or fire suppression system.


28. No traction control permitted.

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